Market and event space review for Worcester City Council
A review of markets (indoor and outdoor) taking place in Worcester city centre including existing city centre spaces in use and those that could be used for new markets or to relocate existing ones.
- A review of existing markets (run by an operator on behalf of the council) and those that had been closed down
- An audit of existing city centre spaces in use and those that could be future market locations
- A management and operation review of existing markets to establish if there was a better model available to the council
- Propose a shortlist of market operators for new and existing markets
- Review and consideration of existing and planned developments alongside funding bids, framed against the local economic strategy and regeneration framework
- Engagement with key stakeholders including the BID, local authorities, business owners and landlords and market traders
- A guide to procuring new operators and advice on tendering
- The project was to support the business case for Worcester’s Future High Streets Fund bid
The project spanned the period at which the first lockdown was implemented in England for the Covid-19 pandemic. This led to proposals being revisited against the backdrop of the pandemic and adapted where needed. Deliverables included:
- More than 425 survey responses
- Best practice examples provided for sustainable management of markets
- A host of new locations recommended for relocating or expanding existing markets and creating new ones
- A shortlist for potential new operators and management of them
- Consultation with key stakeholders via in depth interviews and surveys (residents, businesses and market traders)
- A review of the existing contractual arrangements and governance with the market operators
Support for the business case for Worcester’s Future High Streets Fund bid which was successful